Recap Nov 28, 2024
On behalf of the Board and myself we hope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving with lots of love and little bickering.
Breakfast Meeting - There were 5 of us in attendance (Grant Terrill, Timaki Johnson, Jen Schnaitman, Peter Andrews and Stacy Rodriguez) on Tuesday, Nov 26 at Cafe Duet.  They were wonderful to work with and had tables set up for us in the side room, and no music playing.
We discussed our fundraisers and talked about a signature service project. Some of our members expressed having a Tricky Tray fundraiser.  There are many individuals that look for Tricky Tray events all over and we could tap into a different source of money coming in.  We would still need to ask for donations however, it would be in the form of goods, services or gift cards.  I found that the local stores and restaurants are more willing to give gift certificates than cash, due to the vested interest of increased business. Something for the Board to think about and discuss at their Board Meeting. (Not to take anything away from the Golf Tournament)
Members have discussed that the local businesses get hit for donations all the time, for everything, so it would be great to really think about what we want to do and the steps towards our goals.
Stroudsburgs Rotary Foundation Scholarship Fund - I am pleased to announce that we applied and received a grant from the Abeloff Foundation in the amount of $5,000 to be used for our youth programs: RYLA/ Scholarship / SAS Awards / Essay Awards / Int'l Exchange etc. 
**Let's continue to look and apply for grants there are so many out there. If you have a lead, please let us know, we will do the leg work.
Polio Packets - Leslie Underhill has received almost 800 Polio packets that will need to be put together and then delivered to the surrounding day care centers. We will prepare some during a meeting and may also have a pizza party at her house.  If you are interested in being part of a fun assembly line please let us know. Click here to email Leslie
Don't forget to sign up for the Salvation Army Bell Ringing on Saturday, Dec 14 and our Holiday Party on Thursday, Dec 19.
We need 4 members and friends for the 3rd shift and 2 for the 4th shift.
If a time slot is filled still come by. The more the merrier especially if you could sing!