Thank you Moira Loughman, Interact Advisor, and Amiee Garcia, Interact President. It was wonderful hearing about the involvement of the students and all the service projects and fundraisers that the student do. There are about 40 students in the club, however there is a core group of about 15 that are really vested. They do appreciate our support for sponsoring and partaking in their fundraisers. A nice plug was made for RYLA and all the great things that program provides for students in the end of their sophomore year. RYLA is chaired by our very own Amy Leiser, whom does a fabulous job. If you are interested in helping with RYLA please reach out to Amy.

We had a nice turnout for the Salvation Army Bell Ringing in memory of Bob Wehe. A little light on one shift but VP Mike Raub and Chair Dave Yarosh held down the fort. If you have pictures please send them in. We appreciate all your help and ending a little early due to the extremely cold weather on Saturday. If you did not have a chance to volunteer or donate here is the link - Salvation Army
Volunteers- Don Hannig, Gene Prospero, Leslie Underhill, Dave Yarosh, Lance Godfrey, Chiffon & Lee Bourjolly, Juliette Caines, Bob Riley, Kriby Upright,Mike Raub, Peter Andrews, Zerla Bartolome, John Beljean, Jeff Gilbert, Stacy Rodriguez and Violette Francois.

Picture by Lance Godfrey
Tis' The Season of Giving - Rotary is always our first choice however if you are so inclined to give directly:
We have members that run non profits or are on Boards so if you are looking for an organization to give money to or donate clothing or supplies please visit Family Promise
Sherman Theater - Donate or become a member