
Anika Sehne the Youth International shared with us about the international exchange student program. If you are interested in being a host family of know of a sophomore going into their junior year let us know so we could start the process.

Congratulations to our H.S. Scholarship winner Isaiah Louis-Jacques from Stroudsburg H.S. and our 4 Service Above Self award winners. Pictured is Genesis Major also from Stroudsburg and the other 3 were from Notre Dame (not pictured and names unknown at this moment). We appreciate all the hard work from our Youth Chair Heather Nowosad and the committee. Thank you, Moira Loughman, for the guidance you give to our youth.

When Rotarian Leslie Underhill, has a vision and a plan it goes into action. Leslie was determined to get Pedals for Progress back on tract. We collected 27 bicycles from Middle Smithfield Township and they were picked up already. Also, a big thank you to Satellite Chair Gene Prospero for taking apart and transporting the bicycles to Catharina Lutjen, a member of our partnership with Smithfields Rotary, who stored the bicycles in her garage, until pickup time. This project will be ongoing until September.
If you know of someone or a township cleanup day where we can collect bicycles, please contact Leslie 570-460-2304