"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant."
~Robert Louis Stevenson
Volume 95 Issue 23 - Dec 16, 2024
Rotary Monthly Focus
December is Disease and Prevention Month
From Rotary Int'l
"Disease results in misery, pain, and poverty for millions of people worldwide. That’s why treating and preventing disease is so important to us."
How Rotary makes this happen: "We educate and equip communities to stop the spread of life-threatening diseases. Rotary members have hundreds of health projects underway around the world at any given time."
"With your help, we can make lives better in your community and around the world."
Dec 19 11:45 am - Service Project at Leslie Underhill's house - Putting together Polio/Vaccination packets. Pizza & soda provided. BYOB
Dec 19 - Party at Marita's 5-7:30pm Park in front if you can. If you park behind the building you will need to walk around to the front About 40 members/guests signed up
We have lots to celebrate!!!!
Lunch Meeting - For our consistent lunch members, please do your best to respond by Monday, if you will not be attending lunch.
**No lunch meeting Dec 19 due to the Holiday Party, however there is a Service Project if you could make it at Leslie Underhill's residence - see her email
5:00pm - 7:30pm
Marita's Southwestern Bar & Grill - 735 Main Street, Stroudsburg, Park in the back.
Italian Menu - Chicken Francaise, Penne alla Vodka, Salmon, Cesar Salad, Broccoli, Dinner Rolls, and non alcoholic beverages, Cash Bar
As of now we have 34 Rotarians and 9 guests signed up.
We have 18 Paul Harris recipients, about 9 Paul Harris recipients are signed up and will receive their awards.
Stroudsburgs Rotary - Planned Events 2024:
11:45 - Dec 19 - Service Project & Lunch at Leslie Underhill's house.
5:00 pm -Dec 19 -
Rotary Holiday Party - Marita's Southwestern Bar & Grill -
Sign up here
Dec 27 - Bob Wehe Red Cross Blood Drive - Lighthouse Church of God 9-2pm -
RedCrossBlood.org enter BOBWEHE to schedule appt
Jan 2025 - Assemble Polio Packets for the daycare centers, and doctors' offices