Evening Meeting at new location:
Underdog Cyber Defense - 315 Dartmouth Dr. 2nd floor, Marshalls Creek, PA 18335
Located in Jay Park Plaza - Above the Marshalls Creek Post Office
Breakfast Meeting - No breakfast meeting. We will continue with breakfast meetings in April, after the winter settles down and tax season is over.
**This Thurday - A collection for the wildfire victims:
Our prayers go out to the victims affected by the devastation of the wildfires in Los Angeles, CA.
Danica will be our vocational speaker on Thursday. She will be bringing candles for purchase. After talking with Danica we agreed to use this as a fundraiser and she agreed to donate a portion of the purchases that we will donate towards the wildfire victims either towards Shelter Box or directly to Rotary clubs listed below. Any checks straight for the victims could be made to Stroudsburgs Rotary and we will send in the donation.
Rotary Event Fundraiser's:
Sat - Jan 25,2025 - Slatebelt Rotary Fundraiser - A Night At The Races -
Doors open 5pm - Race starts 6pm - This is a fun night out!
Scorecard Bar & Grill - 130 N Broadway, Wind Gap, PA 18091
Admission $5 donation, Food & Drink for purchase, - 10 Races/10 Horses
Interactors Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser:
Their end of year donations will go to the newly formed food pantry at Stroudsburg School District and the Rotary International Relief Fund. The candy sale will help support these donations. Let's support our youth in giving back.
The sale ends 3/10/25 - If you bring money or a check, tell us what you like and we will make the purchase for you.
Let's welcome interim Interact advisor Maria Gondella. Maria is the reading specialist at the high school.
Rotary District 7410 Essay Contest is now open - Club deadline Feb 7, 2025/ District deadline Mar 7, 2025 Top District prize $1000