Volume 95 Issue 16 - Oct 21, 2024
Rotary Monthly Focus
October is Economic and Community Development
World Polio Day October 24
4:45 Proclamation by East Stroudsburg Mayor Victor Bruzky
Event 5:00-7:00pm
Polio Survivor Carol Goodman and
Panel speakers: Dr Ramlah Vahanvaty, local pediatrician and
Vitali Pool, MD at Sanofi Immunizations USA
Pocono Cinema & Cultural Center
NO LUNCH or EVENING MEETING OCTOBER 24 - Polio Event at Pocono Cinema 5pm
BREAKFAST Meeting - Tuesday, Oct 21, 2024 7:30am ~ (every 4th Tuesday)
Penn Strouds Hotel - 2nd Fl. -$5
***Lunch Meetings - Please do your best to respond by Monday, if you will be attending lunch.
December 19, 2024 - Holiday Party and Paul Harris Awards at Peppe's 5:30pm - 8:00pm
There is a minimum, please let us know if you will be able to attend.
We have 18 Paul Harris recipients.
October 24 Stroudsburgs Rotary World Polio Day Event
PURPOSE - Awareness of Rotary and Polio
Location: Pocono Cinema & Cultural Center
TIME: 4:45 Proclamation Event 5-7pm
**Volunteers needed to help greet guests and share about Rotary. Any finger foods or desserts are welcome.
**Please let us know if you could cook or bake something for the event.
(Mac n Cheese, Swedish meatballs, crudites...)
H.S. Leadership luncheon
We appreciate our $1,000 anonymous donor for the high school leadership luncheon and all Rotarians that have sponsored students. Please keep spreading the word so we can determine how many students are covered.
Rotarians cost to sponsor $25/student.
PURPOSE: to Introduce Rotary to over 100 high school future leaders.
We share the importance of leadership and giving back to the community and worldwide.
Sponsorships help cover the cost of the students and also raises money to give back in scholarships to top deserving students at the end of the year. (H.S. Senior for college, Service Above Self Awards, RYLA, Exchange Student opportunity.)
Stroudsburgs Rotary - Planned Events 2024:
Oct 24 - World Polio Day Awareness at Pocono Cinema
Oct 27 - Mady's Kitchen Prep work Sat 2pm, Setup/Cooking Sunday 2pm
Nov 14 - H.S. Leadership Luncheon at Shawnee Inn 11:30
Dec 14 - Salvation Army Bell Ringing - Siamsa Irish Pub
?Dec 19 - Rotary Holiday Party - Peppe's/Willowtree? - to be discussed
Dec 27 Bob Wehe Blood Drive - Lighthouse Church of God 9-2pm