Recap Jun 27, 2024 -
Installation of the New Board Members 2024-2025
District Governor Elect (at the time), now DG Bill Skinner performed the installation of officers for the upcoming year. Congratulations to all.

Congratulations to Stroudsburgs Rotary New Board Members and Chairs for 2024-2025 year, The Magic of Rotary:
President - Stacy Rodriguez
President Elect - Ed Schaefer
President Elect - Ed Schaefer
1st VP - Mike Raub
Treasurer - Marlo Merhige
Secretary - Amy Leiser
Asst Treasurer - Ted Butz
Asst Secretary - Janell Henderson
Youth Services Chair - Heather Nowosad
Director - James Thomas
Director - Gene Prospero
Past President - Dave Woods
RYLA - Amy Leiser
Interact Advisor - Moira Loughman
Sargeant at Arms - Available
Membership Chair - Leslie Underhill
Social Media / Community Service - Chiffon Bourjolly
Fundraising - Don Hannig
Speakers - Don Page
Rotary Foundation Chair - Don Hannig
Well President Stacy shook things up at our meeting when everyone heard that there are no more lunch meetings.
Truth is, there are weekly lunch meetings, however we will be trying out a breakfast meeting 1x mo.
As of now the first one is scheduled for 7:30am on Tuesday, Aug 27 at Taste in East Stroudsburg. More info to follow.
*If you cannot attend the breakfast meeting feel free to have lunch with other Rotarians and friends in the restaurant at Sycamore Grill or patron another restaurant that supports Stroudsburgs Rotary.
We sent out a survey and have received positive responses from members who have not been able to attend the lunch meeting. They are looking forward to trying a breakfast meeting closer in town.
DUES - They are now past due. Please bring on Thursday. We have already been billed for the 1st 6 months dues.
Our dues will remain the same at $200 for the year (Spouse $160) plus the request for a minimum of $25pp to Rotary Foundation, so we can attain EREY (every Rotarian every year).
CONGRATULATIONS to Past President Dave Woods and his fiancée Trish, who are tying the knot this Friday.

Thank you to our past Sargeant at Arms, Mike Raub. He is now our 1st Vice President, so the Sargeant at Arms position is open for any willing participant. As of now we will have to use fill-ins. You did a great job Mike. We appreciate you stepping up and jumping right in!