Recap Nov 14, 2024
President Stacy Rodriguez was very pleased to see a full house at our annual H.S. Seniors Leadership luncheon. This was our first year reviving the leadership luncheon since Covid, and since we are the Stroudsburgs Rotary, we limited attendance to the five area schools. We had high school senior leaders representing East Stroudsburg H.S. North and South, Stroudsburg H.S., along with MCTI and Notre Dame. The room was full of youth and enthusiasm, at least one Rotarian sat at each table interacting with the students. Seniors from different schools were sitting together sharing their plans after graduation, passions, sports and other interests or activities they were involved in. In attendance was Rotary District 7410, District Governor Bill Skinner with a warm welcome, and District Governor Nominee Tim Genetti. Tim was very impressed and may introduce this to his Rotary club in Hazelton.

Thank you, Kirby Upright for leading the Pledge of Allegiance and all songs sung that day.

Our appreciation goes to our 4 Way Test Coin Sponsor Leslie Underhill who recited and shared the history of the 4 Way Test. Each student received a coin at that time.
Ginny & Tom Kirkwood took a twist and sang the invocation.

Our Keynote speaker Ryan Leckey was outstanding and very engaging with the students. He made us all aware that our social media posts are out there and to be very conscious of what you are posting. Employers go searching the web to really look at the character of an individual.
Thank you V.P. Mike Raub for introducing the student representatives from each school. All students from each school rose and were acknowledged. Certificates for each student were given to the representative from the respective schools.
We cannot forget the great job our Sergeant At Arms, Danica Hartenfels did at poking fun at the school's sports teams and making administration pay up.
We had an impromptu congratulations from Senator Rosemary Brown (& proud mom of one of the students).

Thank you to all of the Rotarians that sponsored students and administration to attend this fabulous event, and all of the Rotarians that were in attendance. The impact that we leave the students with is very positive. The administration gave us very positive feedback and there were plenty of social media posted by the schools.
Our greeters and Rotarians at the registration table did a fabulous job and managed all the check-ins and table assignments very well. Thank you, Jim Becker for assisting us in reviving the luncheon and going above and beyond in helping with fundraising for the leadership luncheon so that we didn't wind up in the red. We were sorry you missed it; this event held a special place in your heart, and I would like to think we made you proud.
Thank you to all the sponsors that took out ads or congratulations in our booklet. We couldn't have done this without all of you.
A big thank you to Rich Berkowitz for the sound system, it helped immensely in the clarity of the speeches and singing.
Thank you, Ginny & Charlie Kirkwood, owners of the Shawnee Inn, and General Manager Rob Howell & staff, for working with us and making sure this event was successful and ran smoothly. The food and service were great.
The student leaders at our luncheon also partook in the service project for Valor in donating cake frosting for Valor's Thanksgiving Drive.
Rotarians and students donated 258 cans of frosting. President Elect Ed Schafer delivered them to Norm Hanna, Valor Community Outreach Representative.
**Valor is looking for volunteers for Thanksgiving meal box distribution for this coming Sunday(24), Monday(25) , Tuesday(25). Anyone interested can call Rob at 609-480-6263

Switching gears, we had 2 Rotarians being nominated for the Chambers Women In Business, Woman of the Year Award.
Danica Hartenfels nominated Leslie Underhill and Stacy Rodriguez nominated Danica Hartenfels. Both Rotarians were finalists along with business owner Shantell Davis.
Danica was the overall winner.