I80 taskforce update
Aug 05, 2021 12:00 PM
Kristen Battle
I80 taskforce update

Kristen Battle, Graduate of Susquehanna University with an Elementary Education Degree. Taught in West Virginia and retired to raise her family of 6 kids. Now they are all grown Kris finds worth in being a Professional Volunteer, much to her husband's shagrin. She is the Chair of I-80 Project Impact AAA Task Force, Christian Education Chair, Superintendent of Sunday School, and Council Secretary at St  John's ELCA in Stroudsburg, plus numerous sports and music committees throughout her kids high school and college careers. 

She is a new Grandmother of a two month old baby boy and very estatic. An advid baker known for her 20 different Christmas cookies and Banana Pudding Cupcakes. 

Since working on the I-80 Task Force now has more knowledge of highway design than ever imagined. 

