Happy Birthday Rotary: 116 Years Strong
February 23rd is Rotary International’s Birthday. Rotary has lasted 116 years because of strong ethics, passionate Service Above Self, and a unique approach to problem-solving.
Rotary enables people of diverse backgrounds to gather in order to exchange ideas and form meaningful, lifelong friendships. Over time, Rotary’s reach and vision gradually extended to humanitarian service.
One of Rotary’s greatest strengths is the ability to reach across communities, as well as across national, ethnic, religious, and political divisions, uniting people of all backgrounds to help others
February is also the month when Rotary focuses on promoting peace. Rotarians are bolstered with an awareness that contributing to peace and international understanding, supports the well-being of the world. This has been a high priority for Rotary since the very beginning.
Going forward, let us celebrate Rotary’s history and the many ways that Rotary Opens Opportunities to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace.